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Florida's missing
This page is dedicated to the memory of Florida's still missing hero's. Until they ALL come home, we will not forget!
All of the raw data presented here comes directly from the Defense POW*MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) as of 05/01/2022. The following is the criteria on how DPAA classifies cases:
Under Review: Cases will be categorized as under review if they have yet to be placed in one of the categories below. If circumstances or new evidence are presented that cause a previously categorized case to be re-evaluated, the case shall be categorized as under review until such time that a new category determination and assignment can be made.
Active Pursuit: Active pursuit cases are assessed to have sufficient information to justify research, investigation, or recovery operations in the field. These cases are the priority for operational planning and allocation of resources.
Deferred: Deferred cases are assessed to have no new and/or viable leads, or have restrictions to site access which make field operations impractical.
Non-recoverable: Non-recoverable cases are assessed to have negligible potential for accounting, such as cases in which the remains are lost at sea, or remains of an individual were cremated and/or systematically destroyed. This assessment will be based upon historical research, scientific analysis, and the limits of current technology. To deem a case as non-recoverable does not account for an unaccounted-for individual.
world war ii:
We have gathered raw data from DPAA, verified entries, made corrections when necessary, and added more detail to the "units" that the missing served in. We also added a 'Notes' line with extra information. We also made it easier for those who may want to look up a lost friend or family member, but may not have all of the information, so we made some separate files: Sort the list alphabetically; Sort the list by branch of service; Sort the list by county (or area) of loss; Sort the list by loss date; and finally Sort the list by service member's unit.
As of May 01, 2022, there were 72,344 still missing from World War II; 907 of them are from Florida.
Click on the picture for the list you are interested in, then click on 'Download File". Files are in the Adobe Reader Format, and may or may not be automatically saved to your device.
Nearly 60,000 Americans, including 1,954 Floridians were killed in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia in the 1950s, 1960s,and 1970s during the Vietnam War. Another 2,338, including 54 Floridians, are still listed as missing in action, according to national military archives. Click on the banner below to view those who are still missing. The list is not sorted.
he Korean War began on June 25, 1950 and ended on July 27, 1953 in which at least 2.5 million persons lost their lives. The war reached international proportions in June 1950 when North Korea, supplied and advised by the Soviet Union, invaded the South.Oct 7, 2024 The war was fought between North Korea, a communist state, and South Korea, which was supported by the United States.North Korea's goal was to unify the country under its communist regime.