The major function of Rolling Thunder® Inc., is to publicize the POW*MIA issue. To educate the public that many American Prisoners of War were left behind after all previous wars and to help correct the past and to protect future Veterans from being left behind should they become Prisoners Of War (POW) or Missing In Action (MIA). We are also committed to helping American Veterans from all wars.
Our members donate their time and resources because they believe in the POW*MIA Issue.
To Join, simply call (321) 446-4650, or send an email to: [email protected]
To Join, simply call (321) 446-4650, or send an email to: [email protected]
The Pat Tillman Foundation identifies remarkable military service members, Veterans and spouses, empowering them with academic scholarships, leadership development opportunities and a diverse, global community of high-performing mentors and peers. Scholarship application is open now and closes on February 1, 2025, at 23:59 PT. For more information follow this link:
who we are:
our members:
Our membership is balanced between men and women, motorcycle riders and non-motorcycle riders, veterans and non-veterans.
All of the events we organize and attend are made possible by the efforts of our volunteer members. We are not a motorcycle club, or a veterans fraternity, and you do not need a motorcycle to become a member. Our members have a common goal - bring our missing home, and care for those veterans that need help. The services that we provide to our Veterans and their families are totally voluntary. Our members are dedicated to POW*MIA awareness and supporting those presently fighting for our freedom. All donations regardless of how large or small, whether monetary, products or services go directly to supporting the programs we provide for Veterans. We call upon you to show your support of our organization. Your contribution or donation will help us achieve our goal of helping Veterans of all wars, showing our Veterans that we appreciate their sacrifice and service to our country. Your donation will also help us promote the awareness of the POW*MIA issue and to continue to demand full accountability of our prisoners of war and those still missing in action (POW*MIA). If you would like to make a donation, please make your check payable to "Rolling Thunder® Inc., Chapter 1 Florida" and mail it to:
Rolling Thunder® Inc., Chapter 1 Florida 400 S Sykes Creek Pkwy Merritt Island, Florida 32952-3547 |
Chapter 1 Florida participates in many veteran activities, functions, and events.
We are proud to wear our specially designed red shirts each Friday in honor and support of all of our men and women in uniform. These shirts are available in our store. Help us to Remember Everyone Deployed (R.E.D) by wearing red on Friday's. Thank you. |
We thank you in advance for your generosity and support. We can't advance our cause without your help.
Thank you for visiting the Rolling Thunder® Inc., Chapter 1 Florida website. There are many things to discover on this site, and we continue to update it on a regular basis.